I've been thinking for a long time about creating a blog about my work. Due to the nature of my work, erotic photography, the various social media are less suitable for this. By all means, continue to follow me there, but I was always looking for a place where I can show my work unhindered. A place that is truly mine. A place where I can be myself without always having to worry about losing my account (and my friends). I hope I found it here. I hope you enjoy following my blog. A warning is in order. I also work for sex workers and content creators. That work is not for the faint of heart. My work can be very explicit. Yet many people do not find my explicit work vulgar, but I realize very well that this is a matter of taste. My work is never about nudity itself, it is always about the beautiful person that is in the frame. I want to show that in my images. And of course I sometimes miss the mark there too. I trust you to keep me on the right track. I could of course give an extens